

Planting pear trees for grandchildren

One project of the „Stiftung zur Erhaltung und Förderung alter Obstsorten“(Foundation for the Preservation and Promotion of Old Fruit Varieties) is to promote the planting of future pear tree giants, as pear trees on strong-growing rootstocks need a particularly long time to develop. It takes over 20 years before significant yields can be expected. "Plant pears for your heirs" is the English translation for "plant pear trees for your grandchildren". 

In order for the trees to thrive and hopefully be disease-resistant, good planning is required: rootstocks had to be selected which, according to current knowledge, are well adapted to the changing climate and are resistant to new diseases such as pear blight and fire blight. The most promising pear varieties were then selected from the existing variety pool on the basis of observations made over the last few years in the manufactory's trial cultivation and grafted onto the rootstocks on behalf of tree nurseries. After two years of cultivation, the time had come: around 500 pear trees of the varieties Karcherbirne, Nägelesbirne, Geigers Beste and the French Fausset were distributed free of charge to 20 MeadowFruit members. 

This is just the start, the real work and effort over the next 20 years lies with the MeadowFruit growers. We would like to thank them for their long-term commitment and support.

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